Patients will frequently ask me what I notice about them that I would make cosmetic improvements on. One of the most common answers that I give is the eyelids. Aging of the orbital region is universal as we get older but it can occur in some people younger than others. “The eyes are the gateway to the soul” is a common statement, and when you first look at someone you most commonly are looking at their eyes. This leads to the upper and lower eyelids being very common areas for rejuvenation. Patients like the improvements in how they look.
After the procedure, they commonly give testimonials that say: “I look less tired”, “my eyes are much wider open”, “just this office procedure has taken 20 years off of my appearance”, “I look more energetic and awake”, “I can actually see my eyelids now”.
When performing upper eyelid blepharoplasty (eyelift), this can commonly be done in the office under just local anesthesia. This allows for a great improvement in the appearance of your eyelids with very minimal downtime and recovery. The incision is very well hidden in the eyelid crease. This procedure addresses the excess eyelid skin as well as the puffiness of the upper eyelids.
Minimally invasive eyelid cosmetic surgery has become very popular, and our state-of-the-art procedure room allows us to do this very effectively in the office. This is one of the top cosmetic surgery procedures performed at Alex Colque Plastic Surgery in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Lower eyelids or “bags under the eyes” can also be treated. These “bags” are typically fat pads that have started to bulge out of the eye sockets. This is best treated with surgery to correct it in the form of a lower eyelid blepharoplasty (eyelift).
These cosmetic procedures are common in both men and women as we all age around our eyes. If you would like to find out if you are a good candidate for eyelid surgery or an eyelid rejuvenation procedure and have a complimentary cosmetic consultation, please call our office to meet with Milwaukee-based board certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Alex Colque M.D. at 262.781.9000.