A tummy tuck, which is also called an abdominoplasty is one of the most common procedures that Dr. Alex Colque performs in the greater Milwaukee area. “This procedure is typically in the top one or two cosmetic surgeries that I perform”, says Dr. Colque, board certified plastic surgeon. “A tummy tuck procedure is very common in the greater Milwaukee area and in my practice due to the extremely high satisfaction rates.
Most all of my patients are extremely happy with their results after an abdominoplasty. It is one of the best cosmetic surgery procedures to have a very positive impact on a patient’s life. I have many patients that have excess skin and/or fat to their stomach that just won’t go away by any other means. I perform tummy tucks on extremely fit patients who can’t get rid of this excess skin in this area, bariatric patients who have had weight-loss surgery and are left with excess skin and overhanging fat, as well as mothers with stretched out abdominal musculature from pregnancy that want this corrected.” As you can see, the best candidate for a tummy tuck surgery includes a wide spectrum of patients who want to make an improvement to their stomach area.
A tummy tuck surgery has benefits over other cosmetic procedures or treatments in this area because the underlying musculature can be tightened and repaired as well as the skin being pulled flat and tight. “Patients often ask me if there is another treatment option for their abdomen, and although liposuction and cool sculpting can make improvements some patients with excess skin or laxity to their musculature will require a tummy tuck to achieve their personal aesthetic goals.
A tummy tuck also has multiple medical benefits in addition to the cosmetic benefits. Tightening up the musculature improves the abdominal tone and can place the rectus (six pack) muscles back to their more anatomic position. In addition, any overhanging skin that can cause difficulty or pull on the lower back is removed and this can assist with posture and proper spine positioning.” As you can see from our before-and-after pictures, the results can be dramatic and life-changing. Many patients who have thought that they would never wear a bathing suit again are wearing a bikini confidently with their newly sculpted and flat stomach.
There are so many benefits to this procedure which lead to such a high patient satisfaction rate and the extremely high popularity of this procedure in Milwaukee Wisconsin for cosmetic plastic surgeon Alex Colque, M.D. We invite you to make a complimentary consultation for a milwaukee tummy tuck with Dr. Colque by calling his office in Waukesha, Wisconsin at 262.781.9000.